Sunday, January 13, 2013

We have started

This really isn't much of a post, but I am excited to say that we have started the process. 

  • We have emailed our commitment papers.  Waiting for the apostilled ones to come back so that we can mail those in.  Hopefully, we will have the official match before too long. 
  • We sent in our fingerprints to the FBI, those were received by them on 1/10.
  • We started on home study.  I think that will actually go pretty quickly since it is mostly just an update.  Can't wait to mail in our I-800A.

I am really hoping we get through this process faster than we did with our last adoption.  Patience is definately not my greatest virtue.

I still owe you further updates on Kaden and Meghan.  That will come soon.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Back To The Beginning

I never got around to updating the blog after Meghan and Kaden's home coming, so I will give you a picture update going back to the beginning.   Their adjustment has been amazing.  There really haven't been any issues at all.   Meghan is a stubbon little girl.  Likes to get her own way.  From a girl, really?  

There will be more updates to come as we work our way up to current. 

This was taken in the hotel room on gotcha day

Here is Kaden chillin' in the hotel room
Our 2 older kids made this sign for Meghan and Kaden

Here are all 4 of our kids at the park

First easter egg hunt at Aunties house.  This was the day after they arrived home and after their first day at church.

Ready for the 1st day of school. Since their adjustment was going so well, we didn't wait too long before they started school.

Here is Kaden on the bus the first day.  Not exactly sure what he's doing here.