Yesterday, we sent off the I-800. I guess from this point we just wait a few more month before we he anything more. I am sure not much good at waiting. We are trying to put together a time to Skype with Meghan. The social worker said it would be a good thing to keep that going until the adoption time comes. Since I didn't travel, I can't wait to see her.
We've sent the second half paperwork to Toni. But, of course we missed one page, so that is off getting the appostille completed. Then we can foward that along.
Nothing left for now except waiting to hear something.
Hello! My name is Laura Harr and I am thinking of adopting from Bulgaria. The little girl who has caught my attention is little Marnie. Interestingly enough, I live in WA too! How fun is that--similiar names living in the same state. Anyway, I found your blog hoping for insight into the experience of adopting from Bulgaria. You and your husband did not travel together--was that something that you wish that you would have done differently?